Feb 1, 2011


Listen, you kings! Pay attention, you mighty rulers! For I will sing to the Lord, I will lift up my song to the Lord, the God of Israel. (Judges 5:3)(NLT)

We are going to take a look at Deborah, the worshiper today, and see what insights we can learn from her life. The following worship profile is from the Praise and Worship Study Bible published by Tyndale House Publishers. It is a very good study Bible, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn more about worship.


Deborah was not a person to sit quietly and wait for someone else to get things done. As a judge of God's people, she knew how to listen to the Lord's instructions and was quick to follow them. When it was necessary to go to battle, she obeyed the Lord by appointing Barak as the military commander. When he hesitated to carry out her instructions, she herself went with him to battle. Deborah was determined to follow the Lord at any cost and inspired others to do the same. Her encouragement and example spurred Barak on to victory, and it is possible that she was also a model for Jael, the brave woman who killed the commander of the enemy forces. But the accomplishments of Deborah's military leadership were equally matched by the impact of her spiritual leadership. When the battle against King Jabin had been won, Deborah and Barak sang a song of praise to the God of Israel because they knew the he alone deserved the glory for their victory.

Deborah the Worshiper

Deborah knew how to listen to the Lord. In order to make righteous decisions, she had to know what God wanted for his people and was responsible to act justly. 

When the Lord gave victory through Deborah, she directed attention and praise back to him.

Learning from Deborah

Our relationship to God affects those around us. If we exhibit trust in God's ability to help and promptly obey whatever he requires, others will be encouraged to follow our model.

Truly successful leaders recognize that worship and praise to God is the right response to their accomplishments. The more we see God's hand in our endeavors, the more we will want to fall before him in wonder and praise for his incomparable works and mercy.

Following the Example

There is no shortcut to knowing God and being able to hear his voice. Knowing him requires that we spend time speaking and listening to him. One way we can listen to him today is by reading Scripture. Try systematically reading the Bible from beginning to end. In this way you will not be tempted to concentrate only on your favorite passages but will receive a more complete picture of God's character and of the ways he has related to his people throughout the ages. Also, thank God openly and quickly for every good thing he give his people. This may include victory over temptation, a meaningful relationship, abundant provision for your needs, or simply the joy of another day of life. Your thankfulness will be contagious to those around you.

Singing His Praises,
Joey Culpepper

Psalm 122:1

I rejoiced with those who said to me, "Let us go to the house of the Lord." (HCSB)