Sep 25, 2015

The Dangers of the Tongue

The Lord God has given Me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary. (Isaiah 50:4a)(NKJV)

People tend to be known by what they say. Words may strike fear in others, they may reveal the speakers to be foolish, or they may be a source of help or comfort to other people.

In a passage that probably pertains to the coming Messiah, Isaiah said the Lord's Anointed would "know how to speak" by receiving instruction from God. As a result of the divine tutelage, He would be able to speak appropriately to the weary.

How much more do the rest of us need help in knowing what to say, given our sinful condition. Scripture repeatedly warns us about the power and danger of our words. As Scripture frequently shows, they can:

  • cut like a sword (Ps. 57:4; 64:3)
  • be as dangerous and poisonous as a snake (Ps. 140:3)
  • convey lies with the impact of a bow (Jer. 9:3)
  • strike down other people like an arrow (Jer. 9:8), and
  • curse and demean others (Hos. 7:16)
What is the impact of your words on other people? Does what you say build others up or tear them down?

(from the Word in Life Study Bible-Nelson Publishers)

Psalm 122:1

I rejoiced with those who said to me, "Let us go to the house of the Lord." (HCSB)