Oct 14, 2014

What It Means To Be Like Jesus (#6)

Jesus indicated that those who follow Him will become like Him (Matt. 10:25). What does it mean to "be like Jesus" in today's complex world? Matthew paints eight portraits of what Christ-likeness looks like, including:

#6: To Be Like Jesus Means...


In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus explained the values of the kingdom. Money, prayer, relationships, possessions, information, and power were a few of the categories He redefined from God's perspective. He showed that following Him will involve radical change for most of us. It may mean undoing the way we've always done things and rethinking traditional sources of wisdom from our parents and culture. To become like Jesus involves a tough-minded review of our values and a thorough change in our behavior.

(from the Word in Life Study Bible from Thomas Nelson Publishers)

Psalm 122:1

I rejoiced with those who said to me, "Let us go to the house of the Lord." (HCSB)