Oct 26, 2011

The Five E's Part 4

In the book I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist or (12 Points that Show Christianity is True) by authors Norman L. Geisler and Frank Turek, evidence is given to support the accuracy and reliability of the New Testament. This evidence can be found in different kinds of testimony, what the authors call the Five E's-Evidence that the New Testament is true. Here are the five E's:

1. Expected testimony
    Hundreds of prophecies from the Old Testament foretell in detail the birth, life, death and resurrection of the coming Messiah. These marks of identification point to and are precisely fulfilled by no one else but Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
2. Early testimony
    While most ancient documents are supported by a few surviving copies which date 500-1400 yrs. after the originals were written, the documents of the New Testament are supported by nearly 5,700 Greek manuscripts dated as early as 130 A.D. And we have good reason to believe that most or all of the books of the N.T. were written prior to 70 A.D.
3. Eyewitness testimony
    There is so much detailed eyewitness accounts in the N.T. passages that it's hard to believe they could be "made-up" stories. In fact, secular historical records and archaeology have confirmed over 30 people which are named in the N.T.
4. Embarrassing testimony
5. Excruciating testimony

We have covered #1-3 in earlier posts, today we will look at #4--embarrassing testimony.

Embarrassing Testimony

When making up a story which includes themselves in the narrative, authors tend to paint themselves in a better light. They tend to bend the truth in order to make themselves look better than they actually are. But that's not what we find in the N.T. documents. The writers of the N.T. are dim-witted, uncaring, rebuked, selfish, doubtful and cowardly.

Let's take a look at some examples.

Mark 14:37, 39,41  They fell asleep in the Garden of Gethsemane
Luke 23:50-51  They didn't give Jesus a proper burial--Joseph of Arimathea gave Jesus his tomb

Mark 8:33  Jesus rebukes Peter
Galatians 2:11-14  Paul rebukes Peter

Matt. 20:20-21  The mother of James and John asks Jesus if the two brothers could sit at His right and left in His kingdom

John 18:17,25,27  Peter denies Christ
Matt. 26:56  The other disciples deserted Him and fled
Mark 16:1-2  Women are the brave ones--in a society where women were second class citizens, what men would write that the women went to see Jesus while they were in hiding?

Matt. 28:16-17  They were doubtful about the resurrection even though Jesus told and taught them that it would happen
John 20:25  Thomas said he would not believe Jesus was resurrected until he saw Jesus' wounds

There is even places in the N.T. that are embarrassing for Jesus himself.
Mark 3:21, 23 His family thinks He is crazy
Matt. 13:54-58  Not honored in his hometown
Jn. 6:66  Many of Jesus' disciples desert Him
Jn. 7:5  Jesus' brothers did not believe Him
Jn. 7:12  People whispered that He was a deceiver
Jn. 8:48-49  He was called a Samaritan and demon-possessed by the Jews
Jn. 54-58   Jesus claimed to know God--His Father--and to be the great I AM from O.T.
Jn. 8:59 Jews were going to stone him because he claimed to be God
Jn. 10:29  Jesus claimed to be one with God
Mt. 11:19  He acknowledged that He was called a drunkard and a friend of tax-collectors and sinners
Mark 3:22  The teachers of the law claimed that He was possessed by Beelzebub

So there is many embarrassing events and details that just don't seem to fit in with the idea of being in a fictional account. If I were making up a story about myself or that I was a part of, I would try to paint myself in a better light. I wouldn't include all of these things that would make me look bad. Would you? This clearly shows that the N.T. accounts weren't stories just made-up. And if they weren't, then they must be the truth!

Psalm 122:1

I rejoiced with those who said to me, "Let us go to the house of the Lord." (HCSB)