Nov 12, 2010

The Irresistible Word of God

The word of God is living, and active...(Hebrews 4:12a)(ASV)

Here is another devotional from Dr. Douglas B. MacCorkle from Hebrews which speaks about the nature of the living Word of God:

The Irresistible Word of God

Faith gives the believer a tremendous advantage. Think of the wide expanse you have in God's Word. The exercise of your faith on this Word will bring you great profit (see 4:1,2 in contrast).

Now the Word of God is by nature good news. It is on a Divine mission. It will accomplish its mission (Isa. 55:11). It is irresistible. Here's why:

It is living. The Word of God is saturated in reality. It is not only an account composed of facts, but also a full quota of truth on the point of which it speaks. You can put your finger on the pulse of this Word and feel it throbbing with life. It is throbbing with a life which is not corruptible (1 Pet. 1:23).

It produces and promotes life wherever it is mixed with faith (4:1-2). This Word is not dead or dying; neither is it dull. Many are dead who have heard the Word, but the Word still lives actively. In this Word is all the wisdom of eternity. This Word spells out the will of God so that you may do the work of God in God's way.

It works best in the heart of man. Like a seed it germinates in the soil of the heart (Matt. 13:3-9; 18-23). Because it is a living seed, the Word of God goes to work in a directed way (the term "active" means "in-work").

The Word of God is keener (sharper) at getting to its objective than even a two-edged sword. It penetrates even through the soul and spirit (the joints and marrow of the inner man). Thus, it is able to judge or discern (discriminate) the inner feelings and thinking process of the heart. In giving us God's Word (account of things), it demands of us and accounting (4:13c). Later, before Him with Whom we have to do, we must give our account of the work of the Word of God in our heart.

Singing His Praises,
Joey Culpepper

Psalm 122:1

I rejoiced with those who said to me, "Let us go to the house of the Lord." (HCSB)